Join as a contractor
Join our family of members and be part of the largest networking body of civil contractors in NSW.
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Who Can join
If your business is or wants to be involved in the NSW civil contracting industry, and you agree to abide by the CCF NSW member’s code of conduct and our constitution, you can apply to join the CCF NSW.
Two categories of membership are possible:
- Contractor members– For businesses (employers, sole traders and partnerships) directly involved as a civil contractor in NSW. Our Constitution has a long list of businesses that are expressly defined as civil contractors.
- Associate members – All other businesses, and Government departments and agencies. In short, Associates are businesses or entities that are not civil contractors but want to support or supply to contractors in the NSW civil industry.
If you are not sure, and would more information then contact us via email or you can call on (02) 9009 4000 and ask to speak to someone about joining the family of members.
How to join
Joining CCF NSW is a simple process:
- Go the relevant Application Form (links are below)
- An authorised representative of the business completes form. This takes 2 to 5 minutes. Contractor members must supply evidence of public liability and of workers compensation insurance (certificates of currency).
- Pay via credit card or request an invoice
- On receipt of the payment most applications are ‘Conditionally Approved’ – you will be told immediately if not.
- Service can begin! Login details will be sent to you for the Portal
We will then commence welcoming you to the family! Our people will begin contacting you to get the Induction process under way.
- All applications are put to the Board of CCF NSW for Final Approval.
- The applicant will be advised of the NSW Board’s decision. If rejected, all Fees are returned.
- Membership of CCF NSW automatically includes membership of the National CCF ‘Registered Organisation’.
Decision Appeals Process
The applicant may appeal the decision by writing to the CEO of CCF NSW including detailed reasons for the appeal: email ceo@ccfnsw.com.
The Board will review the appeal and make a final decision. Reasons for the decision will not be provided.
Need more?
If you want to learn, you can either:
Have a look around the website. Good spots are:
- The member benefits section and the Resources section…which has a lot of detail.
- The contractor information page or the associate information page both explain the different Service Levels that you can choose.
If you want something to take away, download the relevant membership prospectus
- Download contractor membership prospectus
- Download associate membership prospectus
Alternatively, just contact us or call us on (02) 9009 4000, and ask to speak to someone about joining the family.