Join as an associate

The NSW civil infrastructure industry is still undergoing an unprecedented boom. In February 2021 BIS Oxford Economics forecast that from 2020 a staggering $240 billion will be spent in the NSW civil industry over the next 10 years – a rise of $46 billion on last year’s estimate.

They forecast it will increase in size by a staggering 38% on top of the current numbers by 2024.

In the COVID-19 crisis, the NSW and Federal Governments urged the civil construction industry to manage social distancing well so it could remain open. The industry, employing over 200,000 people in NSW directly, is crucial to the economy.

If this is your market, or you see it as an opportunity, then you should be a member of the NSW industry’s peak employer body – a privilege that comes with exclusive access to the businesses that are your current and potential customers.

What is one job, one client, worth to your business? Can your business afford not to be a member?

The benefits

If your market is civil contractors, you can join the family of CCF NSW members and be part of the largest networking body of civil contractors in New South Wales.

The core benefits of CCF NSW associate membership are Business Growth through Branding and Connecting.

Being a part of a membership organisation requires an investment in both dollars and time. We are convinced we offer that. You want a return for that investment, and you want to be treated with respect along the way.

We understand that, and more. At CCF NSW, our associate members are part of the family…

Growing your business

CCF NSW associate membership allows you into the family. Naturally, we cannot promise you will win work simply by joining CCF NSW – that’s your job to make happen. But, we do provide through our events, comms and promotions incredible opportunity to brand and connect​ yourself with our family of members. If you are willing to do the work and have a good service/product, you will GROW your business.

Our contractor members guard their business studiously, and look to form commercial relationships with people and businesses that understand their industry and are willing to support it. In short… they look for people they can trust, and they use networks to do the filtering.

  • Our contractor members are constantly marketed to by a large range of suppliers and service providers; Associate membership offers an easy, trusted way for them to filter the huge volume of businesses that are vying for their business.
  • Contractors understand that, by paying a membership fee to an organisation that supports them, you are serious about contributing to the development of their industry. It reflects in the often-quoted line “If you’re not willing to support my industry, why should I trust you with my business?”
  • Contractors talk to each other. Is there any better form of marketing than a positive comment from an existing customer?
  • Contractors rely on the collective buying power that CCF NSW brings. If they are having an issue with an Associate, they know it can be raised with us.


Families get together, and so CCF NSW runs over 35 events each year across NSW including:

  • Earth Awards – Our sell-out annual events attract over 450 attendees
  • People Awards and Gala Ball – Always popular and a sell out
  • Regional Social events across NSW
  • State of the State Business Luncheons – Both always sell out
  • Live Webinars for urgent, topical issues
  • Meet the Minister boardroom meetings
  • Sector day or multi days conferences: Technology, IR, WHS, Procurement, People
  • Golf Days – A lot of business done…seriously
  • Regular Women in Civil Virtual Conferences
  • Women in Civil Community Celebration held annually

These events offer an opportunity to simply be in attendance or, with a range of values and audience demographic to suit your marketing plans, be sponsored. Only members can sponsor our events and it’s not necessary to be an Annual Sponsor.

Branding and promotion

FaB: As part of membership we offer free inclusion on our Find a Business Directory. If you want people to know about you, list for free…we do the advertising of the Directory!

We have our high-quality hardcopy CCF NSW bulletin magazine which goes to 1,500 industry leaders and decision makers across NSW including all our members, government bodies and State politicians. Advertising space is available only to members of the family.

We strongly suggest you place your membership Certificate into your tenders, and that you place the “CCF member” logo on your website, materials and machines. It sends a strong message.

The logo may only be used while you are a financial member of CCF NSW.

Annual sponsorship

If you are interested in being an annual sponsor, we can have a discussion! With opportunities ranging from $50,000 per year to $5,000 per year, our model includes an allowance of “CCF Dollars” that you can spend on advertising and events. Contact us now for more details.

Premium Associate Membership

With our premium Associate membership, you achieve a high level of flexibility and a considerable volume of output. We will list you on our FaB directory, will have your message and videos distributed for you. For: digital package, inclusion in FaB; with assisted marketing and brand distribution. You will be able to network as and with other members, will be able to attend our member-only events, and to advertise your business in our publications.


The membership fee is annual, and your invoice anniversary will always be the date you complete the online application. No service is provided if the invoice is unpaid.

A once-off induction fee applies on joining to cover the cost of our CCF NSW Family member Induction. This induction ensures you know from the very start of your membership how to do the things necessary to maximise the value of being in the family. As part of this, a number of key roles within our team will contact you to ensure you have everything set up properly. For example, your member login details; the contact addresses for your eNews and Bulletin magazine; a snapshot of our upcoming events and how to book; your listing in our Find a Business online directory (Premium); and setting up your video details in Find a Business and scheduling marketing (Premium). The induction fee is automatically added to your invoice.

According to our Constitution, these Fees can rise only by a maximum of CPI each year, unless a general meeting of the members of CCF NSW vote it so. We are pleased to say we have not raised associate member fees, even by CPI, since 2017!

Please Note: We never discount our Fees. That’s because they are great value as they are and, as a not-for-profit organisation ‘owned’ by our members, we don’t inflate the prices first, so we can then discount them.

To talk to a membership specialist about joining, please call us on (02) 9009 4000 or contact us

Taking the next steps

We understand that joining is a leap of faith. You are hoping, and trusting, that we will do what we say, and that the value is there.

But, you are joining an industry body owned and governed by its members… established to support you, not generate profits.

Nonetheless, we get the concern.

So, if you are still unsure have a look at some of the comments of those who have already made the decisions, are reaping the benefits that their competitors are not.

Join today